如果您位于法国或意大利,我们将把您的数据传递给我们在法国(steute France SARL, Inovallee 31C, Chemin du vieux chêne, F - 38240 Meylan)或意大利(steute Italia srl, Via Curtatone, 1, I - 20019 Settimo Milanese (MI))的子公司,以方便您的负责人直接沟通。
我们仅在您同意的情况下,根据Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. a DSGVO,使用跟踪cookies。所有其它cookies(例如分析cookies)的法律依据是合法的(Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. f DSGVO)。
点击 此处重新验证您的隐私设置。
本网站是使用谷歌分析,一个来自谷歌公司 (Google)web的分析服务。谷歌分析使用的"cookies",是保存在您的计算机里的文本文件,并能够从您浏览过的网站进行分析。在大多数情况下,通过您浏览过的网站信息生成的cookie会传送到美国Google的服务器上,并储存。通过您的浏览器,谷歌分析的IP地址是不会与其它谷歌的数据相组合。我们已在网站上升级谷歌分析,包括"IP匿名化"代码。这能保证您的 IP 地址被屏蔽掉,从而允许匿名方式获得所有的数据。在特殊情况下,才会将完整的IP地址传送到美国谷歌的服务器上,从而缩短IP地址。通过网站主机的命令,谷歌将运用此信息对您使用过的网站进行分析,编制有关网站活动的报告,通过连接网站与互联网,提供网站主机进一步的服务。您可使用浏览器软件,选择相关的设置阻止cookies的存 储,但这可能会影响您在本网站的操作。本网站使用谷歌的人员统计特征分析报告,其中使用了谷歌与兴趣相关的广告数据以及第三方供应商(如年龄、性别和兴趣)的访客数据。此数据不能归属于特定人员,并且可以使用浏览器随时设置停用。
此外,可防止cookie数据在您使用过的网站中生成(包括您的IP地址),以及谷歌会对此数据的信息处理。通过下载并安装浏览器插件,可参考以下的链接︰ tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=zh-CN。作为浏览器的加载项,特别是与移动设备相连接的浏览器,您可通过谷歌分析的页面底部取消选中栏,从而阻止其数据被获取。设置opt-out cookie,是为了防止浏览网站时的数据被获取。opt-out cookie只有效在浏览器和我们的网站上,并将同时存储在您的设备上。如果您在浏览器已删除cookie,那必须重置退出 cookie。
etracker data protection notice and right to object
The provider of this website uses the services of etracker GmbH, Hamburg, Germany (www.etracker.com) to analyse usage data. We do not use cookies for web analysis by default. If we use analysis and optimisation cookies, we will obtain your explicit consent separately in advance. If this is the case and you agree, cookies are used to enable a statistical range analysis of this website, a measurement of the success of our online marketing measures and test procedures, e.g. to test and optimise different versions of our online offer or its components. Cookies are small text files that are stored by the Internet browser on the user's device. etracker cookies do not contain any information that could identify a user.
The data generated by etracker on behalf of the provider of this website is processed and stored by etracker solely in Germany by commission of the provider of this website and is thus subject to the strict German and European data protection laws and standards. In this regard, etracker was independently checked, certified and awarded with the ePrivacyseal data protection seal of approval.
The data processing is based on Art. 6 Section 1 lit f (legitimate interest) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our legitimate interest is the optimisation of our online offer and our website. As the privacy of our visitors is very important to us, the data that may possibly allow a reference to an individual person, such as IP address, registration or device IDs, will be anonymised or pseudonymised as soon as possible. etracker does not use the data for any other purpose, combine it with other data or pass it on to third parties.
You can object to the outlined data processing at any time by clicking on the slider. The objection has no disadvantageous consequences. If no slider is displayed, the data collection is already prevented by other blocking means.
Further information on data protection with etracker can be found here.
steute Technologies GmbH & Co. KG的数据保护主管是Herr Karl-Uwe Lüllemann, 这是他的联系方式:
SK-Consulting Group GmbH
Herr Karl-Uwe Lüllemann
Osterweg 2
D - 32549 Bad Oeynhausen